There is a long history of algorithms for solving the maximum flow problem, with the first algorithm due to Ford and Fulkerson. The best general purpose algorithm to date is the push-relabel algorithm of Goldberg which is based on the notion of a preflow introduced by Karzanov.
11377 열혈강호3 # 유닛 캐퍼시티 네트워크에 가까운 그래프, 이분매칭 변형으로도 풀수 있고 사실 그쪽이 제일 빠름 N,M,K ⇐ 1000
V |
E |
f = N+K U = K
Dinic : min(fE, V^2E) DinicW.S : VElogU PushRelabel: V^2sqrt(E)
UnitCapNetModeling V=N+M+K E=N*M+K*N
Dinic : Esqrt(E)
1014 컨닝 ⇒ 이분매칭
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