ps | |
링크 |… |
출처 | BOJ |
문제 번호 | 2051 |
문제명 | 최소 버텍스 커버 |
레벨 | 플래티넘 2 |
분류 |
이분 매칭 |
시간복잡도 | O(VE) |
인풋사이즈 | V<=1000, E<=1,000,000 |
사용한 언어 | Python |
제출기록 | 70876KB / 540ms |
최고기록 | 364ms |
해결날짜 | 2022/03/16 |
"""Solution code for "BOJ 2051. 최소 버텍스 커버".
- Problem link:
- Solution link:
Tags: [Bipartite Matching]
from teflib import tgraph
def minimum_vertex_cover(bigraph):
def dfs_rec(u, is_mvc):
is_mvc[u] = False
for v in bigraph[u]:
if not is_mvc[v]:
is_mvc[v] = True
if (next_u := matched_node[v]) is not None and is_mvc[next_u]:
dfs_rec(next_u, is_mvc)
matching = tgraph.bipartite_matching(bigraph)
matched_node = [None] * len(bigraph)
for u, v in matching.items():
matched_node[v] = u
is_mvc = [bool(edges) for edges in bigraph]
for u, edges in enumerate(bigraph):
if edges and u not in matching:
dfs_rec(u, is_mvc)
return [u for u, u_is_mvc in enumerate(is_mvc) if u_is_mvc]
def main():
N, M = [int(x) for x in input().split()]
bigraph = [[] for _ in range(N + M)]
for i in range(N):
_, *j = [int(x) for x in input().split()]
bigraph[i] = [x + N - 1 for x in j]
mvc = minimum_vertex_cover(bigraph)
answer1 = [u + 1 for u in mvc if bigraph[u]]
answer2 = [v - N + 1 for v in mvc if not bigraph[v]]
print(len(answer1), *answer1)
print(len(answer2), *answer2)
if __name__ == '__main__':